Greatest Sporting Nation

Olympics are just around the corner, and Poland is far away. This ranking says it all! – Sports Review

The ranking says it all! The British firm Greatest Sporting Nation has prepared a report for 2023, which includes the results of athletes in the past 12 months in most disciplines. In the context of the upcoming Olympic Games, the findings in the report are very interesting. Unfortunately, they are not too optimistic for Poland.

“We launched the website a year later to answer the question: ‘Which country is the strongest in sports?'” – said Dan Thompson, the creator of Greatest Sporting Nation, in an interview with the French newspaper L’Equipe. 80 disciplines were taken into account in the ranking, including those that are not part of the Olympics. The ranking takes into account not only the results but also the popularity of the discipline.

The more popular it is, the more points it can earn. Here are the top countries in the sports ranking: – USA 6018 points – France 3291 points – China 3114 points – Great Britain 3030 points – Japan 2949 points Poland is ranked 16th in this list with 1025 points. Our country has moved up two positions compared to the previous year. This is not surprising, as Poland won in volleyball and took fifth place in the beach version of the sport.

The Polish team also performed well in athletics. In 2021, they were fourth in this ranking and now they are in fifth place. *Thank you for reading our article to the end. * *Stay up to date!

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