TVP Sport Chief Editor - Sebastian Staszewski

“Bardzo poważne problemy w TVP. Jego dni są policzone” –

Sebastian Staszewski, the chief editor of TVP Sport, is facing a serious threat as former station director Marek Szkolnikowski claims that Staszewski’s management has caused significant problems, leading employees to feel demoralized. Szkolnikowski also indicated that there are concerns about Staszewski’s ability to lead the team effectively. Despite the change in political power in Poland and at TVP, Staszewski continues to work at the public television station. However, Szkolnikowski believes that this may not be the case for long, as he stated his belief that Staszewski’s days are numbered at the station.

Szkolnikowski mentioned that many people had asked him to intervene due to their concerns about Staszewski’s management, indicating a lack of confidence in his leadership abilities. He emphasized that although Staszewski is a skilled news journalist, this does not necessarily translate to being an effective team manager. These factors have contributed to an increasingly deteriorating work atmosphere, as evidenced by the stark contrast of employees’ welcome for the new director, Kuba Kwiatkowski.

Staszewski’s perceived inability to effectively manage the team has raised significant concerns about the future of his position at TVP. Overall, Szkolnikowski’s comments strongly suggest that Staszewski’s tenure at the station may be short-lived.


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